vc_rowvc_column width=”1/1″ish_image image=”2469″ size=”theme-large” tooltip_color=”color1″ tooltip_text_color=”color3″vc_column_text tooltip_color=”color1″ tooltip_text_color=”color3″Minimalism in the arts began in post–World War II Western Art, most strongly with American visual arts in the 1960s and early 1970s. Prominent artists associated with this movement includeDonald Judd, John McCracken, Agnes Martin, Dan Flavin, Robert Morris, Anne Truitt, and Frank Stella. It derives from the reductive aspects of Modernism and is often interpreted as a reaction against Abstract expressionism and a …

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vc_rowvc_column width=”1/1″ish_blog_media tooltip_color=”color1″vc_column_textFind yourself time to rest. In order to increase your productivity you need to be relaxed and in a good mood. People are often afraid to just stop and rest for a while between their daily tasks. This is however counterproductive and increases the stress which ends up with a decrease in productivity./vc_column_textish_headline tag_size=”h3″ color=”color5″ icon_align=”left” tag=”h” tooltip_color=”color1″Stress …

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vc_rowvc_columnish_headline tag_size=”h3″ color=”color7″ icon_align=”left” tag=”h” tooltip_color=”color1″Let the colors bring light into your life/ish_headlineish_image image=”2469″ size=”theme-half” tooltip_color=”color1″ align=”left”vc_column_textMost light sources are mixtures of various wavelengths of light. Many such sources can still effectively produce a spectral color, as the eye cannot distinguish them from single-wavelength sources. For example, most computer displays reproduce the spectral color orange as a combination of red …

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vc_rowvc_column width=”1/1″ish_image image=”2469″ size=”theme-large” link_type=”custom” link_url=”||target:%20_blank” tooltip_color=”color1″/vc_column/vc_rowvc_rowvc_columnish_divider tooltip_color=”color1″/vc_column/vc_rowvc_rowvc_column width=”2/3″vc_column_textBluehost sponsors every WordCamp in the US, Canada and Europe. This is allows WordCamp organizers to spend less time fundraising and spend more time focused on WordCamp programming and planning. Bluehost was the first company to sign on as multi-event sponsor when the program debuted in March of 2013. Huge thanks for Bluehost’s continuing support./vc_column_text/vc_columnvc_column …

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